I don't know whether the world around me has been so inhumane for ages since creation or is it like the older people love to say, it's the fault of the present. I've been so appalled by the way not one, not two, but all medical stores of my locality behaved today. I've been suffering from a secondary infection of herpes simplex. The doctor gave me minimal doze of required medicines; which is why I like this doctor. He hardly scribbles anti-biotics in the prescriptions and he prescribes as few drugs as possible and moreover, most of the tablets he prescribes are less than a centimeter in diameter. So mind it, the doc is a god.... But I now hope that he was all that was needed to heal the disorders I suffer from. It's definitely not that way. I'd also need the drug stores.... the fucken drug stores.
I needed 3 pain-killers and 4 winolaps... And guess what!! They don't sell it that way!! Excuse me, but that's what the doctor prescribed me to get!! Yes, but you see, they were surviving with last of the last supply, what if no others buyers of those drugs stop by, they'll run in a loss!! So they'd sell the whole file or none at all!!
I felt like killing myself...... I'm such a thriftless person, but how can I be so thriftless in case of medicines... How can I ever buy more medicines than what I need just to ensure that those poor (they are anything but poor) drug store owners don't suffer a loss of half a file????
Fuck you... Fuck you bad!!!!!
Whatever!! They are so impossible!! They know I'm in need..... I'm in dire need of those drugs, so why not sell off the whole supply that was left to me.... I wouldn't mind taking more, because I'd anyway need some, perhaps, they thought!! But I wasn't to get along with such insincerity in service even on my death-bed... I came back home without two of the three prescribed drugs.... Did I save my money? I don't have an answer to that. Did I save my health?? No.... I've ended up as a loser... Money stands no importance beside health... But that's not the point.... I think the right question is - Did I save myself against exploitation?? I think I did!!
The actual reason of why I got so thougtful is that I am so unexceptionally pissed off with the whole episode. The second reason is, is that their genuine policy??? If it is....... I'd have no reason for further dismay regarding other social drawbacks, disturbances, indifference and non-diligence.... I am not at all a medicine-savvy person, so I don't know!! But I can't help but wonder, how could they do this?? Exploiting people's needs is probably a crime... I don't know whether it's the retailer's policy, or the supplier's policy or the manufacturer's policy.... Whoever it is, YOU PEOPLE ARE MURDERERS.... Who the hell are they to decide what amount is to be sold?? It's the doctor who decides what amount is needed and should be bought!!
I, or anyone on the Earth is so completely entitled to get medicines ( not bread and butter or chocolate or clothing ) only the prescribed amount.... What will I do with more??? Indulge in an overdose and die??? Keep it in case I need them again, so what they have a thing called expiry dates and are the one thing, I can imagine, not meant to be saved for the future???? And in the process, suppose another needy of those those drugs actually drops by at their store, I hope they wouldn't mind saying - "We just handed over the last of our supplies to someone who didn't need them. Of course, we couldn't wait for you to fall ill." But isn't that what they are supposed to do?? Isn't that what they make a living out of?? But I guess, they are more proud to be able to get rid of their supplies sooner..
My my Thats some seething anger right there...my two penny's worth; stop wasting energy thinking about those insensitive douchesacks, such folks breed and lurk everywhere, in every dark, wet lil corner.
Mend that 'secondary infection of herpes simplex' thingy cause damn it sounds like nothing I've heard before...read: BAD!
Hmm... this is a very serious issue these days. But you know what.. these chemists usually have more in stock, it is just their habit to say that they have low stock, and usually people are gullible enough to fall in their trap. Not only these chemists - people are ready to fleece you at every corner today!
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